Medical Quiz

ESR (RBC sed rate) Quiz

usually performed in Chemistry or Immunology Dept of Laboratory

C-Reactive Protein Test

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

Select your answer:


Bacteria & Disease Pain Pathophysiology Gastroenterology Nursing Fats And Oil Endodontic Surgery Transport System Environment Tissues Vocabulary Central and Peripheral Nervous System Cardiology Medications Mental Health Circulatory & Respiratory Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Uses of Radioactive Radiation Circulatory System and Nutrition

Other quiz:

Bacteria › View

How do bacteria benefit from living in our gut?

A. get nutrition

B. we provide them with oxygen

C. receive nitrogen from our gut

D. no benefit to them at all

Pathology › View

A body is found that shows no signs of rigor mortis. The body has been dead for ….

A. less than 2 hours or more than 24 hours

B. less than 2 hours or more than 36 hours

C. less than 24 hours or more than 48 hours

D. more than 36 hours