Medical Quiz

Measles and Hib Quiz

Haemophilus influenzae is a Gram-negative Coccobacillus that can survive in the throat as what carrier?

A. Symptomatic

B. Asymptomatic

Select your answer:


Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Deaf Blind Cell Reproduction Human Physiology Skin Growth Chronic Diseases Health-Wellness-Illness Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Enzymes and Movement of Substances Central and Peripheral Nervous System Pathology Endocrine The Nervous System and The Senses Human Eye and Colorful World Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Health

Other quiz:

Physical Education and Health › View

It includes training to improve – Speed, Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, and Reaction time.

A. Physical Activity

B. Physical Fitness

C. Health-related components

D. Skill-related components

Pathology › View

Which of the following contributes to the pathogenesis of GBS?

A. Bacterial structures resemble human’s ganglioside induce the production of cross-reactive antibodies targeting myelinated peripheral nerves

B. Overproduction of dopamine in nerve synapses causing demyelination

C. Bacterial infection leads to enzymatic destruction of the blood-brain barrier

D. Activation of T-cells attacking myelinated peripheral nerves