Medical Quiz

Obstructive Lung Disease Quiz

Bronchial asthma is a disease which affects:

A. Lung parenchyma

B. Trachea

C. Airways

D. Sinuses

Select your answer:


Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Personal Growth Plan Branches of Microbiology Diabetes Body System Health and Medicine Composition Of Human Blood Environment Urinary System Medical Terms Vision Deaf Blind Hospitality The Ear Microbio (Viruses) Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle

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Biotechnology: Tools & Techniques › View

Which of the following is the first step in DNA extraction?

A. Heating the DNA to denature it

B. Adding restriction enzymes to the cell

C. Breaking down the cell and nuclear membranes using detergents

D. Running the DNA through electrophoresis

Regulating the Cell Cycle › View

Cyclin is a family of proteins that regulates what?

A. Mitosis

B. Meiosis

C. Cell Cycle

D. Interphase