Medical Quiz

Food and Nutrition Quiz

A nutrient found in many foods is:

A. carbohydrate

B. energy

C. potato

D. carbon dioxide

Select your answer:


Medication Administration Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Physio Intro Practice Energy and Metabolism Disease Outbreak and Transmission Major Organs Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Sterile Medication Products Hormones Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Eco Factors & Bacteria Child Development Blood Donation Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Diseases of Digestive System

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Lateral deformity of spine is called

A. Kyphosis-

B. Lordosis

C. Scoliosis

D. Hump-back

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How glucose and aerobic respiration are related.

A. Glucose is broken down into ATP in the presence of oxygen

B. Glucose is broken down into ATP in the absence of oxygen

C. When ATP is created, glucose is released

D. For every ATP, a glucose is created