Medical Quiz

Health Quiz

the primary function of this small gland seems to be the regulation of the body’s waking and sleeping cycle

A. pineal gland

B. thyroid gland

C. pituitary gland

Select your answer:


Health and Diseases Tissue Repair Pathology Biological Organisms Classification Cell and Tissue BTEC Biological Approach Revise Agents of Disease Personal Growth Plan Hospitality CLPT, M.Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Affairs Neuroanatomy of CNS Bacteria and Protist Review Philosophy Human Genetics Trauma Multicellular Organisms: Organisation

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A. bugs

B. plants

C. supernatural spirits

D. blood

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What is the impact of exercise on the progression of Multiple Sclerosis?

A. Exercise can slow down the progression of the disease

B. Exercise has no impact on the progression of the disease

C. Exercise can worsen the symptoms of the disease

D. Exercise is not recommended for MS patients