Medical Quiz

Genetic Engineering Quiz

Which genetic engineering technique separates DNA fragments based on their size?


B. Gel Electrophoresis

C. Gene Cloning


Select your answer:


Human Digestive System Major Nutrients Sarcomere Anatomy Ankle Injuries Healthy Lifestyle Mechanical Digestion Biology for Engineers Diseases Key Terms Pancreas Deaf Blind EMR - Trauma Pathology Inflammation The Cell Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Hemodynamics

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Digestive System › View

What is the small organ that stores extra bile from the liver?

A. Kidney

B. Gallbladder

C. Spleen

D. Appendix

Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems › View

What muscles form parts of the internal organs like bladder, stomach, intestines, and blood vessels?

A. cardiac muscles

B. skeletal muscles

C. smooth muscles

D. none of the above