Medical Quiz

Fluid and Electrolytes Quiz

What is the greatest threat to a child that has been vomiting and having diarrhea ?

A. Fatigue due to dehydration

B. Seizure due to electrolyte imbalances

C. Hypovolemic shock due to hypotonic dehydration

D. Hypovolemic shock due to isotonic dehydration

Select your answer:


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Other quiz:

Pathophysiology › View

Mucus, perspiration (sweat), saliva, tears and earwax are all examples of ______.

A. physical barriers

B. mechanical barriers

C. biochemical barriers

D. inflammation

Cellular Transport and Metabolism › View

Which of the following best describes the process of fermentation?

A. The breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen to produce ATP

B. The production of ATP without the use of oxygen

C. The use of light energy to produce glucose and oxygen

D. The active transport of molecules against the concentration gradient