Medical Quiz

Human Genome and Bioethics Review Quiz


The purpose of selective breeding is to 
A. Get bigger animals
B. get smaller animals
C. create animals with desirable traits
D. create animals with bad traits

Is the study of the ethical issues emerging from advances in biology and medicine.

A. Bioinformatics

B. Biotechology

C. Bioethics

D. Genetics

A common genetic disorder characterized by bent and twisted red blood cells is…

A. Cystic Fibrosis

B. Hemophilia

C. Sickle Cell Disease

D. Muscular Dystrophy

Most sex-linked genes are found on the…

A. Y Chromosome

B. X Chromosome

C. X and Y Chromosomes

D. Autosomal Chromosomes.

A characteristic that is encoded in DNA.
A. genome
B. sex-linked gene
C. genetic trait
D. down syndrome

A clone can be BEST thought of as a(n)  _____ created in the lab. 
A. identical twin
C. science fiction experiment

GMOs can be

A. plants only

B. animals only

C. plant, animal, and bacteria

D. plant and animal only

In a pedigree chart, how are characteristics or traits illustrated
A. circles
B. squares
C. shading
D. lines

The best description of a GMO is _____.

A. Hybrid species.

B. Natural organisms.

C. Artificially manipulated species.

D. Healthiest species.

Who is most likely to develop a sex-linked disorder?
A) Women
B) Children
C) Men
D) all of the above

What is a genome?
A. The complete haploid amount of genetic material present in a cell or organism
B. A garden ornament
C. The sum of all human material.
D. A totally unique set of genetic material not shared with anything else

What is the gender of the individual whose karyotype is seen in the image?
A. Male
B. Female

How many base pairs (bp) are in the human genome?
A. 1 billion bp
B. 4 billion bp
C. 3 billion bp
D. 3.5 billion bp

Which term refers to a farmer choosing the best corn from this year to plant next year?
A. natural selection
B. selective breeding
C. genetic engineering
D. genetic transformation

A chromosome that is not a sex chromosome is known as a(an)
A. autosome.
B. karyotype.
C. pedigree.
D. chromatid.

What is this
A. plasmid
B. recombinant bacterium
C. recombinant DNA
D. sticky ends

What is the first cloned mammal?

A. goat

B. cat

C. sheep

D. cow

Breeders can increase the _______________________ in a population by introducing mutations, which are the ultimate source of biological diversity

A. Genetic variation

B. Genome

C. Biotechology

D. Mutations

True or False-GMO’s have been proven to be harmful for humans to consume.



Which best describes a mutation?

A. An error in the DNA sequence

B. A positive change in the DNA sequence

C. Passing down DNA to offspring

D. Catching a disease and changing your DNA

Clones have the exact same:

A. Personalities

B. Physical appearances

C. Intelligence levels

D. Genetic material

What is NOT a reason to genetically modify plants? 
A. To make the plants poisonous to insects
B. Make plants drought resistant 
C. To produce fewer plants
D. Improve the nutrition of food grown

Which is not a base pair of DNA?

A. Cytosine

B. Thymine

C. Adenine

D. Guanine

E. DNA Ladder

An example of a trait that is determined by multiple alleles is…

A. Huntington’s Disease

B. ABO Blood Groups

C. Down Syndrome

D. Hemophilia

True or False-There could be possible benefits to GMOs.




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