Medical Quiz

Heredity Quiz

The scientific study of heredity.

A. Genetics

B. Heredity

C. Probability

D. Pedigree

Select your answer:


Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Cell Vocabulary Diabetes Perioperative Nursing Care Healthy Foundations Food and Nutrition DNA Replication The Cell Viruses and Prions Medical Terminology Nail Diseases and Disorders Anatomy Muscles Genetics The Cell Cycle Visual Impairment

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Cell Theory and Microbiology › View

Which of the following is a major principle upon which cell theory is based?

A. All cells form by free-cell formation.

B. All cells have DNA.

C. All organisms are made of cells.

D. All cells are eukaryotic.

Fat › View

This type of fat is not recommend to have in your diet at all?
A. Saturated
B. Unsaturated
C. Trans Fat
D. All are good