Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

Which cranial nerve plays a role in your sense of smell?

A. Olfactory (CN I)

B. Optic (CNII)

C. Trigeminal (CN V)

D. Hypoglossal (CN XII)

E. Vagus (CN X)

Select your answer:


Pulmonology/Respiratory Neurons Diabetes Pathophysiology Cell Biology & Biotechnology Nature of Science Vitals Skin Structure Immunity & Cancer Body Fluids and Blood Cells 5 Major Food Groups Skeletal Tissue Health and Wellness Respiratory and Urinary Renal, Cancer, HIV Diseases and Preventions

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Cosmetology › View

Nail polish is applied to the __________.

A. Ligament

B. Eponychium

C. Cuticle

D. Nail plate

Neuroanatomy › View

What is the destination of the third order sensory neurons?

A. Parietal Lobe Cortex

B. Frontal Lobe Cortex

C. Thalamus

D. Skin, Viscera, Tendons and Muscle