Medical Quiz

Respiratory System Quiz

Sarah has a chest x-ray that shows she has tubercles in her lungs. What does that mean?

A. She had tuberculosis in the past but has recovered.

B. She has a dormant form of tuberculosis that could become active if her resistance is lower.

C. She has an active case of tuberculosis and is being treated with antibiotics.

D. She has a history of an infection that is similar to tuberculosis and therefore is immune to TB.

Select your answer:


Body Nutrition & Wellness Mitosis for Mya Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp Ecology Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Heterotrophic Nutrition Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Molecular Biology Sterile Medication Products Diet BMI (Body Mass Index) Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Factors Affecting Health

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the upper arm bones

A. collar bones or clavicles

B. shoulder blades

C. humerus

D. ulna and radius

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How much chemical energy is transferred from the producer level to the secondary consumer level in a food chain?

A. 1-10

B. 1-20

C. 1/100

D. 1/1000