Medical Quiz

Surgical tech-safety Quiz

which of the following is a substance that is derived from tropical trees and that patients and health care workers may be highly allergic to?

A. amoxicilin

B. antibiotics

C. narcotics

D. latex

Select your answer:


Macro and Micro Nutrients Nasal Polyp Blood & Blood Vessels Diseases & Disorders Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth The Vascular System and Blood Flow Transportation in Organisms Enzymes and ATP Structure Diseases Child Growth and Development Parts of the Body Nail Enhancement Deaf Blind Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Antibiotic in Orthopaedics

Other quiz:

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Made of DNA this is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity.

A. Chromosomes

B. Genes


D. Nucleus

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To remove a tick you should:

A. Pour alcohol on the tick, then pull it off

B. Use tweezers to grasp the head and pull straight out

C. Cut the tick off with a knife

D. Use a match to burn the tick off