Medical Quiz

Teeths Quiz

Which type of tooth is the picture representing?


(b) Molar

(c) Canine

Select your answer:


Fish Health Management Transport System in Man Disease Musculoskeletal Vocabulary Blood and Bones Diversity Measles and Hib DNA, RNA, Proteins Uses of Radioactive Radiation Laser in Medicine Fats And Oil Anatomy Muscles Gaseous Exchange in Humans Human Muscle Enzyme

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Hyphae is filamentous body plan (long, branched, thread-like cells). There are two types of hyphae;septate and aseptate. How are they differ from another?

A. Septate is not divided by crosswall while aseptate is divided by crosswall.

B. Septate is divided by crosswall while aseptate is not divided by crosswall.

Biochemistry › View

How many amino acids are used by organisms to make proteins?

A. 46

B. 23

C. 21

D. 10