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Who am Eye? The nervous system & brain All About Blood Anatomy & Physiology Biomedical Cells, Tissues and Organs Musculoskeletal Fitness DNA, RNA, Proteins Vision Hospital Departments Fluid and Electrolytes Cardio and Resp Disorders Lymphatic System Eye Histology Health - NutritionOther quiz:
Digestive System and Nutrition › ViewThe first segment of the small intestines is known as the?
A. Ileum
B. Jejunum
C. Ampulla of Vater
D. Duodenum
Biology Assessment › View
If cells of a multicellular organism have the same genes, how can there be many different cell types in a body?
A. Some genes but not others are expressed in each cell type.
B. Cells lose some genes as development occurs.
C. Genes do not determine the structure of a cell.
D. Cells must practice division of labour in order to survive.