What makes a compound organic?
A. It has Hydrogen.
B. It has Oxygen.
C. It has Carbon.
D. It has Nitrogen.
Select your answer:
Bacteria & Viruses Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Types of Immunity Osteoporosis Stroke Obesity Cell Cycle; Cancer Antimicrobial Pharmacology The Nervous System Muscles Economic importance of Bacteria Upper Limb CPR Tracheostomy Care Bone, Spine, and Joint PathologyOther quiz:
Respiratory System › ViewIn the human respiratory system, bronchioles directly connect the
A. trachea and pharynx
B. bronchi and alveoli
C. nasal cavity and trachea
D. epiglottis and larynx
EMS Systems › View
Which of the following is NOT a criterion used by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to evaluate an EMS system:
A. regulation and policy
B. resource management or human resources
C. billing and collections
D. education of the public