Medical Quiz

Physical and Sensory Impairment Quiz

A person with a physical disability is always in a wheel chair?



Select your answer:


Bones and Muscles Epidemiology Healthcare Careers Mouth - Stomach Essential Nutrients Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Laser in Medicine Digestion and Microbes Reproduction in Human Beings Cell Cycle Forensic Pathology Nervous System Cell Biology & Biotechnology CLPT, M.Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Affairs The Cell Cycle

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Biology Assessment › View

If cells of a multicellular organism have the same genes, how can there be many different cell types in a body?

A. Some genes but not others are expressed in each cell type.

B. Cells lose some genes as development occurs.

C. Genes do not determine the structure of a cell.

D. Cells must practice division of labour in order to survive.

Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory › View

Which of the following is NOT a function of the respiratory system?

A. Voice production

B. Olfaction

C. Delivery of oxygen to the tissues of the body

D. Regulation of blood pH

E. Gas exchange