Medical Quiz

Topics: Vitamin Quiz

What is Folic acid need for?

A. To prevent brain damage in newborn babies

B. To prevent anaemia in new born babies

C. To prevent Spina Bifida in new born babies

D. To prevent vomiting in New born babies

Select your answer:


Biology Assessment Dermis Cell Structure and Function Concept Patho_Genetics Vaccines Biotherapeutics & Cellular Meat Microbes and Infectious Disease Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Acute Responses to Exercise Vascular Surgery Immune Response Joints Knee Anatomy Asexual Reproduction Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology EM Spectrum

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Eye in Color Vision › View

What are rods in the human eye primarily responsible for?

A. Detecting colors

B. Night vision

C. Detailed vision

D. Peripheral vision

Inflammation and Tissue Repair › View

Dolor means:

A. Swelling

B. Heat

C. Pain

D. Redness

E. Loss of function