Medical Quiz

Topics: Skeletal System Vocabulary Quiz

Solid material used to immobilize an body structure to allow it to heal.

A. callus

B. cast

C. crepitation

D. wrap

Select your answer:


Nerve Injuries in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Psychiatry Compact Bone Degeneration Pathology SSTI and Bone Infections Bacteria and Viruses Endodontic Surgery DNA & Types of Reproduction Composition Of Human Blood PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY Vocabulary - Health ESR (RBC sed rate) Mental Health Personal Growth Plan Disease & Immunity

Other quiz:

Respiratory System › View

Which of the following breath sounds would you expect to hear in a patient with obstructive lung disease?

A. Inspiratory crackles

B. Expiratory wheezing

C. Inspiratory stridor

D. Expiratory rhonchi

Medical Terminology › View


A. backward,behind

B. four

C. forward

D. under, below