Medical Quiz

Proteins Quiz


Enzymes slow down the rate of a chemical reaction



The main job of antibodies is to

A. Transport hormones

B. Metabolize sugars

C. Store essential amino acids

D. Counteract pathogens

Protein is the major_______________ of the human body. It builds and maintains tissue.

A. Cardiovascular System

B. Building Blocks

C. REM Schedule

What type of proteins are chemical messengers?

A. Receptors

B. Enzymes

C. Hormones

D. Antibodies

Researchers suggest _________ percent of calories should come from protein each day.

A. 10-25

B. 35-10

C. 30-55

D. 40-65

What type of reaction is this image showing?

A. Degradation

B. Synthesis

What type of proteins speed up chemical reactions?

A. Receptors

B. Enzymes

C. Hormones

D. Antibodies

Nutrients that build and repair tissues and cells e.g. meat, milk, eggs.

A. Fat

B. Minerals

C. Vitamins

D. Protein

Enzymes are made by

A. Chemical Reactions

B. Only plant cells

C. Only animal cells

D. All living cells

What site does the substrate bind to on the enzyme

A. Inactive site

B. Active site

Which of the following are all types of proteins?

A. Hormones, enzymes and antibodies

B. Hormones, nitrates and receptors

C. Antibodies, plasmids and enzymes

D. Receptors. antibodies and nitrates

Hormones are composed of

A. Glucose

B. Starch

C. Glycerol

D. Protein

What type of proteins are made by white blood cells and protect against infections?

A. Structural

B. Receptors

C. Hormones

D. Antibodies

Proteins have different functions. Which of the following statements identifies a protein and its function?

A. Enzymes carry chemical messages around the body

B. Hormones carry oxygen around the body

C. Antibodies defend the body against disease

D. Cellulose provides strength and structure to a plant cell wall

Protein needs also increase for people who:

A. have injuries

B. have undergone surgery

C. consistently break down muscle during exercise

D. All the above


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