Medical Quiz

Topics: Plasmid Quiz

Selectable marker are used to?

A. Differentiate b/w trasnformant and non transformant

B. highlight writeen text

Select your answer:


Fluid and Electrolytes Herd Immunity Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Hygiene and Nutrition Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Entomology Excretion in Humans HNBS Intern Health - Nutrition Digestive System Medical Terminology Inflammation and Healing Parts of the Brain Nutrition in Humans and Animals Anatomy Respiratory System

Other quiz:

Disease and Immunity › View

There are numerous ways in which a person can acquire antibodies, giving immunity to a disease. Some of these are:

1. Vaccination
2. Infection by disease
3. A baby feeding on breast milk
4. Injection of antibody

Which of the options would give a person passive immunity?

A. 1 and 2

B. 1 and 3

C. 2 and 3

D. 3 and 4

Blood › View

Identify the definition of the medical term:CHONDR/O

A. Cartilage

B. Skull

C. Chest

D. Sacrum

E. Groin