serious condition that results when the heat regulating mechanisms of the body are unable to deal with the heat from the environment, which results in a very high body temp
A. hyperthermia
B. hypothermia
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Human Eye Common Respiratoty Diseases Regulation of Urine Formation Skin Structure Histology of Nervous and Muscle Tissues Vascular Surgery Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Cardiorespiratory System Patient-Centered Endocrinology Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Cell Membrane and Transport Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Sensory System Key Terms Ecology & Organisms Atoms and RadioactivityOther quiz:
Psychology › ViewThe first psychology laboratory was established by
A. Wilhelm Wundt.
B. William James.
C. Sigmund Freud.
D. John B. Watson.
Biochemistry Vocabulary › View
A. a chemical substance that cannot be broken down into other substances. The basic particle that constitutes a chemical element is the atom, and chemical elements are distinguished from each other by the number of protons in the nuclei of their atoms
B. a substance made up of two or more different chemical elements combined in a fixed ratio.
C. a particle that consists of a nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by a cloud of electrons.
D. a molecule containing a very large number of atoms, such as a protein, nucleic acid, lipid, or carbohydrate