Medical Quiz

Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Quiz


Which of the below is seen with granulomatous inflammation

A. Langhan’s giant cells

B. Lymphocytes

C. Areas of necrosis

D. Fibrous tissue

E. All above are true

Lymphohistocytic inflammation…

A. Has a low number of lymphocytes and macrophages

B. Has a low number of plasma cells and is seen in the early stages of chronic inflammation especially in response to viruses

C. Makes up langhan’s giant cells

Which of the below is true

A. Pyo-granulomatous inflammation is similar to its former but also contains neutrophils, fibrin and plasma proteins

B. The stimulus in pyo-granulomatous inflammation is absent

C. Pyo-granulomas is a mass formed from an infiltration of macrophages

D. Pyo-granulomatous is a mass formed from an infiltration of macrophages

FGF-2 is a growth factor for fibrosis and TGF-B is for angiogenesis



There are 3 stages of wound healing. During inflammation, haemostasis occurs and macrophages remove dead tissue and exudate. During proliferation, the space is filled with granulation tissue, which…

A. Bleeds easily

B. Pink/red, granulated colour

C. Is a mixture of blood vessels and fibroblasts

D. Forms when the fibroblasts and endothelial cells migrate though the fibrin gell

E. All above are true

When tissue has been damaged and neutralised during tissue destruction this results in

A. Resolution

B. The organisation by phagocytosis and granulation tissue formation

C. Chronic inflammation

Which of the following is NOT true

A. Lymphocytes use cytokines to interact with macrophages and migrate to inflammatory site using adhesion molecules and chemokines

B. Eosinophils contain a protein toxic to bacteria and use eotaxin and adhesion molecules for extrastation

C. Mast cells live in the CT of areas with contact with the external environment

D. Mast cells produce cytokines contributing to fibrosis in chronic inflammation

Eosinophilic granulomas can also occur from migrating parasites



Chronic-active inflammation has a high number of neutrophils, fibrin and plasma proteins but the stimuli is still present



When tissue damage is neutralised and minimal this results in

A. A resolution

B. Healing by repair

C. Abscess formation

D. Chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation can not occur due to

A. Repeated acute inflammation

B. A failure to remove irritating stimuli

C. The virulence factors of microbes

D. Attempt of repair

Chronic inflammation can not occur due to

A. Repeated acute inflammation

B. A failure to remove irritating stimuli

C. The virulence factors of microbes

D. Attempt of repair

Activated T-cells release IFN-γ to induce an inflammatory activated macrophage stimulating ROS, proteases and cytokines. Whilst other cells that release IL-4 induce a repair activated macrophage to secrete growth factors and remodelling collagenases



Maturation of a wound is healing by scar formation and collagen deposition and remodelling



What is important to remember regarding second intention wounds

A. Fibrous CT fills the defect but this can delay epithelial cell migration and can cause large amounts of granulation tissue to form which reduces tensile strength

B. Is simple and uncomplicated

C. Can cause wound hypoxia

Which of the below is true regarding granulomatous tissue?

A. Is often seen with persistent stimuli and exudate filled with activated macrophages fused together

C. Is a nodular area with a central area of neutrophils

D. Is a distinct mass formed from macrophage infiltration


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