Medical Quiz

Topics: Mycology Quiz

Fugal thallus with naked mass of protoplasm is

A. Clamydospore

B. Conida

C. Plasmodium

D. Arthrospore

Select your answer:


Biology for Engineers Nutritional Trivia Excretory System Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Microbio (Viruses) Pulmonology/Respiratory Branches of Microbiology Essential Nutrients Bacterial Growth Health and Disease Muscoskeletal System Dental Caries Life Processes Excretion Infectious Disease Dermis

Other quiz:

Human Organ System › View

The two organs that are a part of the Central Nervous system are what?

A. Spinal cord and brain

B. Brain and peripheral nerves

C. Cerebrum and the cerebellum

D. Brainstem and the cerebellum

Pathology › View

During clinical death can we try réanimation methods ?

A. No

B. Yes