Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Quiz


What is the term used to describe range of motion that the patient is doing the movements in, unassisted by the CNA?

A. Active

B. Passive

C. Resistive

D. Demonstrative

Which bone is the longest/strongest in the body?

A. Humerus

B. Tibia

C. Fibula

D. Femur

What word do we use to describe a broken bone?

A. Laceration

B. Abrasion

C. Fracture

D. Splinter

During range of motion activities, make sure to ask the patient if they are experiencing _____________ several times throughout.

A. Nausea

B. Vomitting

C. Pain

D. Dizziness

A group of parts that work together to do a job, perform a function, or produce a result is called a

A. function

B. system

C. feedback

Range of motion term that results in a body part moving towards the midline

A. Abduction

B. Adduction

C. Rotation

D. Supination

Symptoms/signs of osteoarthritis

A. Pain

B. Swelling in the joints

C. Decreased range of motion

D. All of the above

What is the name of the disease that shows itself by decreasing density in bones, causing porous (holes), openings? (More common in women due to loss of estrogen)

A. Osteoarthritis

B. Osteospondylitis

C. Osteoporosis

D. Osteoblastosis

A painful condition where pressure within the muscles builds up, preventing blood and oxygen from flowing to muscles and nerves. Very serious complication that can sometimes occur after a surgical procedure

A. Compartment syndrome

B. Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome

C. Wernicke’s syndrome

D. Expansion syndrome

Movement by which the two ends of any jointed part are moved away from each other. (Making an angle larger)

A. Flexion

B. Dorsiflexion

C. Rotation

D. Extension

Movement by which the ends of a jointed area are brought closer together (The angle becomes smaller)

A. Flexion

B. Extension

C. Rotation

D. Pronation

The word meaning “Absence of muscle tone or development”

A. Trophy

B. Atrophy

C. Paralysis

D. Hemiplegia

This metabolic disease results in chronic pain, arthritis, and uric acid deposits in the joints

A. Arthritis

B. Gout

C. Dementia

D. Osteoporosis

What type of pain is associated with an amputated extremity?

A. Inflammatory pain

B. Bone pain

C. Phantom limb pain

D. Organ pain

What type of Range of motion is the CNA performing the movements in?

A. Active

B. Passive

C. Resistive

D. Demonstrative

A fracture in which part of the bone is sticking out of the skin is called

A. Greenstick Fracture

B. Compound Fracture

C. Convoluted fracture

D. Spiral fracture

Breaking of a bone on one side only, more common in children

A. Compound fracture

B. Greenstick fracture

C. Spiral fracture

D. Closed fracture

What term do we use to describe an artificial body part, meant to take the place of a lost “part”?

A. Anesthesis

B. Orthotic

C. Substitute

D. Prosthesis

Range of motion term that refers to moving a body part away from the midline

A. Abduction

B. Adduction

C. Rotation

D. Supination


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