Medical Quiz

Cardiorespiratory Endurance Quiz


Your heart has two ways to get more blood to your muscles: by beating faster or by sending more blood with each beat (called stroke volume).



Which is a specific benefit of physical activity and increased cardiorespiratory endurance for your arteries?

A. Bigger arteries

B. More flexible arteries

C. Increase life span

D. Increase oxygen

Which statement is true?

A. Improving cardiorespiratory endurance requires a combination of aerobic and muscle fitness activities.

B. Of the 11 parts of fitness, cardiorespiratory endurance is the most important because those who have it receive many health and wellness benefits, including a chance for a longer life.

C.  Improving cardiorespiratory endurance will improve your overall health but will not affect your appearance.

D. Of the 11 parts of fitness, cardiorespiratory endurance provides the most benefit to athletes such as runners and soccer players.

Which is a specific benefit of physical activity and increased cardiorespiratory endurance for your heart?

A. Bigger heart muscle pumps blood more efficiently

B. Improves Blood Flow

C. Improves Lung Capacity

D. Hold More Air

The higher your cardiorespiratory endurance score, the lower your risk of hypokinetic disease.



Which is not an example of a cardiorespiratory endurance activity?

A. Jogging

B. Playing Soccer

C. Sitting

D. Cycling

The pacer test is a field test that estimates cardiorespiratory endurance



Which list are benefits of cardio training?

A. Gaining Weight, Heart Attack, Atherosclerosis

B. Increase Risk for Diseases, Increase Life Span, Does not Improve Brain Func

C. Improves Athletic Performance, Improves Lung Capacity, Strengthen Heart

D. Sleep Improvement, Does not Increase Stamina, Shortness of Breath

The maximal _______________ uptake test measures how much oxygen you can use when you are _______________ very vigorously.

A.   oxygen; walking

B.   oxygen; sweating

C. oxygen; exercising

D. oxygen; breathing

To use the heart rate reserve method for determining target heart rate, you must know both your _______________ and your _______________ heart rates.

A.   maximal; submaximal

B.   target; threshold

C.   resting; threshold

D.   resting; maximal

Vigorous aerobic activity, from the _______________ of the Physical Activity Pyramid for Teens, is the most effective for building cardiorespiratory endurance.

A.   first step

B. second step

C. third step

D. fourth step

Which statement is true?

A.   A fit person’s heart may work more efficiently than a nonfit person’s heart because genetics determines the heart’s efficiency.

B.    A fit person’s heart may work the same as a nonfit person’s heart because genetics determines the heart’s efficiency.

C.   A fit person’s heart works more efficiently by pumping less blood with more beats.

D. A fit person’s heart works more efficiently by pumping more blood with fewer beats.

_______ is carried through the blood stream by particles called lipoproteins; it is a fat like substance in the blood

A. High Density Lipoprotein

B. Low Density Lipoprotein

C. Cholesterol

D. Atherosclerosis

_______ includes the blood and blood vessels (arteries/veins) that transport blood to and from the heart to the rest of the body.





Which is a specific benefit of physical activity and increased cardiorespiratory endurance for lungs?

A. more efficient respiratory muscles

B. increased stamina

C. sleep improvement

D. better heart

Having a high level of cardiorespiratory endurance means a person can perform high-intensity exercise for longer.



What is your bad cholesterol called?

A. Low Density Lipoprotein

B. High Density Lipoprotein

The _______________ is one of two methods of determining target heart rates. This method is considered the _______________, but it is a bit more difficult to calculate than the other method.

A. percent of maximal heart rate method; least accurate

B. percent of maximal heart rate method; most accurate

C. heart rate reserve method; most accurate

D. heart rate reserve method; least accurate

What does having a good cardiorespiratory endurance help to develop?

A. Stamina, Lungs and Heart

B. Longer Life Span, Better Sleep and Athletic Performance

C. Heart, Blood and Veins

D. Better Brain Function, Arteries and Blood

What is the formula for getting your maximum HR?

A. 230-age

B. 150-age

C. 220-17

D. 220-age

Oxygen enters your blood while carbon dioxide is eliminated (when you exercise you need more oxygen and produce more waste)

A. Lungs

B. Cardiovascular System

C. Heart

D. Blood

What is your good cholesterol called?

A. High Density Lipoprotein

B. Low Density Lipoprotein

C. Cardiorespiratory Endurance

D. Respiratory System

What 2 major organs of the body make up the Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems? 

A. Heart and Lungs

B. Heart and Blood

C. Blood and Arteries

D. Lungs and Blood


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