Medical Quiz

Topics: Mouth - Stomach Quiz

The teeth and tongue of the oral cavity break foodstuff down physically. This is an example of

A. mechanical digestion

B. chemical digestion

C. absorption

D. peristalsis

Select your answer:


Child Development Muscoskeletal System DNA, RNA, Proteins Nature of Science Obesity Healthy Living Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Biology for Engineers DNA Replication Anatomy and Histology of Stomach Deficiency Disease The Human Body Autoimmune Disease Mechanical Digestion Cellular and Sexual Reproduction

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This belongs to a…

A. carnivore

B. omnivore

C. herbivore

D. producer

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Pleural cavities

A. The body cavities that contain the lungs

B. Terms used to describe the action of a body part.

C. A hole or opening in the body or a part of the body.

D. Turning a body part down or backward.