Medical Quiz

Lung & Breathing Quiz


When air is pushed OUT of the lungs, what is the correct order for the tubes it passes through?

A. bronchiole -> bronchi -> trachea -> nose

B. bronchi -> bronchiole -> trachea -> nose

C. trachea-> bronchi -> bronchiole-> nose

When we breathe out, our diaphragm becomes

A. relaxed and dome shaped

B. contracted and flattened

C. relaxed and flattened

D. dome shaped and contracted

How does your chest change during inhalation?

A. getting bigger

B. getting smaller

C. no change

The process of movement of air into and out of the lungs is called

A. Circulation

B. Digestion

C. Breathing

D. Excretion

Which of the following will cause faster rate of breathing?

A. sleeping

B. dancing

How many breaths does the average human take in a day?

A. 6,000

B. 12,000

C. 23,000

D. 46,000

Which gas we take out when we exhale?

A. Oxygen

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Nitrogen

D. Hydrogen

Which of the following show the air passage for exhalation?

A. windpipe–> lungs –> nose

B. lungs –> nose –>windpipe

C. lungs –>windpipe–> nose

D. nose –>windpipe–> lungs

The lungs are protected by the ribs.



What muscles are used in breathing in

A. diaphragm and intercostals

B. diaphragm and lungs

C. Abdominals

When we breathe in, our chest moves

A. Upward and outward

B. Inward and downward

C. Upward and downward

D. Inward and outward

Which gas we take in when we inhale?

A. Oxygen

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Nitrogen

D. Hydrogen

What is it called when you breathe in through your nose or mouth?

A. Inhale

B. Exhale

C. Unhale

D. Dehale

You have 2 bronchi, each one is called a _____________.

A. bronchiole

B. bronchus

C. bronchioley

Which picture shows lungs when you exhale?

A. A

B. B


Population Genetics Microbio (Viruses) Principle of Health Science Integumentary System Medical Terminology Blood Donation Immunity MS Neurology Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Cardiovascular System Digestion and Microbes Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Genetics Mitosis Microbes