Topics: Elbow and Shoulder Anatomy Quiz
What is the normal range of motion (ROM) for forearm supination?
A. 0° to 45°
B. 0° to 90°
C. 0° to 120°
D. 0° to 180°
Select your answer:
Cytology and Histology Renal Blood Donation Smoking Related Diseases Surgical tech-safety Cells, Tissues and Organs Enzymes & Metabolism HL Mouth - Stomach Body System Interactions The Human Eye Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Fluid and Electrolytes Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Human Circulatory System Health and NutritionOther quiz:
Bone › ViewComposed of thin layer of cancellous bone (diploe)
A. Long Bones
B. Flat Bones
C. Short Bones
D. Sesamoid Bones
E. Irregular Bones
The Skeletal System › View
The main difference in the female skeleton and the male skeleton is found in the –
A. spine.
B. skull.
C. pelvis.
D. feet.