Medical Quiz

Topics: Disease Quiz

Which public health policies help prevent communicable diseases?

A. Antismoking laws

B. Nutrition education

C. AED laws

D. Vaccination programs

Select your answer:


DNA and RNA Structures Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi DNA and Genetic Manipulation Immune Response Surgical & Complementary Terms Coronary Heart Diseases Acute Responses to Exercise Measles and Hib Wellness Vocabulary Metabolic Sauver Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Human Health Pain Pathophysiology Anatomy Bones Nervous and Endocrine System

Other quiz:

Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth › View

During short periods (10-15 seconds) of intense exercise, muscles will use which of the following for fuel? 

A. Glucose

B. Fat

C. Creatine phosphate

D. Glycogen 

Integumentary system › View

Which layer contain accessory structures such as sweat glands, oil glands, and hair follicles?

A. epidermis

B. dermis

C. hypodermis

D. hyperdermis