Medical Quiz

Topics: Diabetes Quiz

This happens when the force of blood that pushes against the walls of arteries, is consistently high.

A. Hypertension

B. Angioplasty

C. Stroke

Select your answer:


Environment Lung & Breathing Selective Breeding DNA and Genetic Manipulation Respiration Thyroid and Intro to Endocrinology Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance History of Psychology Respiratory Acidosis Mouth - Stomach Ecology & Organisms Biology for Engineers Biological Organisms Classification Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Pathophysiology - Inflammation

Other quiz:

Neuroanatomy › View

Which of the following uses the ligand gated ion channels.

A. Photons of light activating an ion channel with photoreceptors of the retina.

B. Hair cells in the cochlea vibrate in response to sound to activate an ion channel.

C. In the spike initiation zone, or axon hillock, the membrane potential becomes sufficiently depolarized to activate an action potential.

D. GABA is released from vesicles of the presynaptic terminal causing an increase in chloride ions on the post synaptic membrane.

Common Respiratoty Diseases › View

This is an acute bacterial infection of the mucous membrane of the throat and the upper respiratory passages.

A. Tonsillitis

B. Diptheris