Some people have a “hitchhiker’s” thumb that allows them to bend their thumbs more than other people. How do these people most likely get this trait?
A. They learn it from friends.
B. They inherit it from their parents.
C. They get it as a result of an illness.
D. They get it as a result of their jobs.
Select your answer:
Neuroanatomy The Cell Cycle & Cancer Medical Careers Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Muscular System NCHSE Types of Medical Reports Healthy Living Vocabulary Fish Health Management Vocabulary for Organisms in Ecosystems Food Pharmacology Year 7 Nutrition Cosmetology Anatomy CNA Introduction PhlebotomyOther quiz:
The Cell › ViewIt is an isolated region where the DNA resides in eukaryotic cells. It is bordered by a double membrane referred to as the nuclear envelope. What is the name of this structure?
A. cytoplasm
B. nucleus
C. cell membrane
D. mitochondria
Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration › View
Which of the following events in the mouth cavity will be affected if salivary amylase is lacking in the saliva?
A. Starch breaking down into sugars.
B. Proteins breaking down into amino acids.
C. Absorption of vitamins.
D. Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol.