Medical Quiz

Disease Quiz

Which public health policies help prevent communicable diseases?

A. Antismoking laws

B. Nutrition education

C. AED laws

D. Vaccination programs

Select your answer:


Composition Of Human Blood BMI, Body Composition and Body Types SPED Law-lympics EKG Medical Term Micro Immunology Muscle Tissue Vet Terminology Microbiology Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Respiratory Acidosis Thyroid Gland Gestalt Therapy Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Joints and Range of Motion Heredity

Other quiz:

Renal › View

For at least how long?

A. 1 months

B. 3 months

C. 6 months

D. 9 months

Lifestyle Diseases › View

Which of the following are habits that could help reduce your risk of catching an infectious disease?

A. Wash hands/Hand sanitizer

B. Cover mouth when sneezing or coughing

C. Eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep

D. Increase your vitamin C intake

E. All of these