Medical Quiz

Components of Blood Quiz

Which of these would cause a reduction in red blood cells?

A. Dehydration

B. Iron deficiency

Select your answer:


Organization of Systems Vital Signs Health and Medicine Genetics and Probability Nutrition - Digestive System EM Spectrum Cancer & Cell Cycle Bones Anatomy Disease Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Hematologic System Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Immunity and Vaccines DNA and RNA Structures

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Disease, Illness and Sickness › View

An illness is definded as

A. as a medical condition a patient suffers from

B. a pathological process

C. a patient’s personal perception of a condition

Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology › View

bones in joint are displaced from normal alignment

A. strain

B. dislocation

C. fracture

D. sprain