Medical Quiz

Cosmetology and Dermatology Quiz

. What is the main component of hair and nails found in the stratum corneum?

A. Collagen

B. Elastin

C. Keratin

D. Melanin

Select your answer:


Integumentary System Medical Terminology Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Breath Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Fitness Common Diseases in Human Beings Virus Pulmonology/Respiratory Anatomical Terminology Nutrition in Humans and Animals 5 Major Food Groups Laser in Medicine A&P Musculoskeletal

Other quiz:

Blood and Hematology › View

What is the term for the thickest layer of the heart?

A. Pericardium

B. Myocardium

C. Endocardium

D. Epicardium

Endocrine System › View

Thyroid gland –

A. increase bone calcium levels

B. produces a hormone (melatonin) that helps you go to sleep

C. decreases bone calcium levels

D. produces a hormone that stimulates the immune response in children