Medical Quiz

Endocrine System Quiz

Thyroid gland –

A. increase bone calcium levels

B. produces a hormone (melatonin) that helps you go to sleep

C. decreases bone calcium levels

D. produces a hormone that stimulates the immune response in children

Select your answer:


Biotechnology Carbohydrate Metabolism Geriatrics Muscle pathophysiology Carbohydrates and Proteins Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Circulatory & Lymphatic Vitamin Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Heart Anatomy Disease Prevention Nutrition in Animals Bacteria Neurology Receptors

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A. In your hand
B. Don’t cover your mouth
C. In your elbow
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A type of cell division where the cell divides into two copies

A. Vegetative propagation

B. Budding

C. Fragmentation

D. Binary Fission