Medical Quiz

Vascular Quiz

The Cushing reflex is a physiological response to

A. Decreased blood volume

B. Increased intracranial pressure

C. Severe blood loss

D. Hypoxia at the tissue level

Select your answer:


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Other quiz:

Oxygenation › View

Nurse Fin is taking care of a patient who has circulatory hypoxia. Which of the following nursing intervention will best help the patient?

A. Providing O2 inhalation

B. Place the patient in modified trendelenburg position

C. Provide the patient with Iron supplements

D. Place the patient in High fowlers position

Physio Intro Practice › View

What is a control group in an experiment?

A. a group in an experiment that remains unchanged for purpose of comparison (missing the IV)

B. a group in an experiment that changes to compare the IV and DV variables

C. the manipulated group

D. the group that is altered