★ Cytology and Histology Quiz
Which of the following conditions lead to rapid growth of actin filaments, adding monomers at both ends?
A. Concentration of free actin monomers is very high
B. Actin-binding proteins’ inhibition
C. Presence of severing proteins that destabilize the filament
D. Low concentration of ATP-actin monomers
Select your answer:
BIOMEDICAL MCQ Eye Histology Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Gene Expression Blood Typing Lipids Nervous, Musculoskeletal Systems, Integumentary Systems Shelter Medicine Cardiovascular Nursing Nail Enhancement Joints in our Body Ear/Eye Medical Terms Disease & Immunity Ecology & Organisms Brain, Neurons and The Nervous SystemOther quiz:
Measles and Hib › ViewTrue or False.
A patient with measles is declared non-infectious as soon as the rash disappears.
STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) › View
When a resident uses a cane, walker, or crutches, the NA should
A. stay on the resident’s stronger side
B. stay on the resident’s weaker side
C. walk in front of the resident
D. walk behind the resident