Medical Quiz

Digestive System Quiz

The stretchy bag of muscle that digests swallowed food is the _______.

A. liver

B. intestine

C. esophagus

D. stomach

Select your answer:


The Human Body Water Macromolecules Skeletal System Histology, Bone Repair Joints How the Eyes work Neuroanatomy of CNS Autism Awareness First Aid Check up Skin Structure and Growth Pharmacology Tissues of The Body DNA and RNA Structures Inherited & Acquired Traits Levels of Organization Cell Review PHE Healthy Lifestyle

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Dermatology Vocabulary › View


A. scrape off

B. rays of sun

C. cancer

D. wrinkle

Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp › View

The job of tendons in the muscular system is to

A. connect muscles to bones

B. control protein synthesis

C. transmit nerve signals

D. repair damaged cells