Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Medical Terminology Quiz

Which combining form means “bone marrow”?

A. sarc/o

B. rhabdomy/o

C. myel/o

D. cost/o

Select your answer:


Heart Structure and Double Circulation Hospice Basics Aseptic Technique & Sterile Comp Review The Nervous System and The Senses Muscle System Cell Cycle Problems Composition Of Human Blood Hematology / Oncology Anatomy Vitamins and Minerals Wellness Vocabulary Heart and Blood Vessels Disease, Illness and Sickness Bacteria Structure CV System A&P & Pathology

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The protein adenosine is paired with

A. thymine

B. guanine

C. cytosine

D. all of the above

Biology › View

the product of digestion which pass through the lymphatic route are poured into the ……..

A. hepatic portal vein

B. superior vena cava

C. inferior vena cava

D. villi