Medical Quiz

Muscular System Quiz

What is the function of myoglobin in muscle cells?

A. To store oxygen

B. To store glucose

C. To produce ATP

D. To break down proteins

Select your answer:


Degeneration Pathology Cardiorespiratory Endurance Basic Structure of the Human Body Transportation in Organisms Coronary Heart Diseases Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Kinetics Nutritional Trivia Proteins Cell Theory & Melanoma Fluid Therapy Connective Tissue Neuroanatomy & Physiology Psychiatry Major Organs

Other quiz:

Nervous System › View

Which lobe of the brain processes vision?

A. Frontal Lobe

B. Parietal Lobe

C. Temporal Lobe

D. Occipital Lobe

Adaptive Immune System › View

Once an antigen presenting macrophage has engulfed a pathogen and is displaying its antigens, where does it migrate to?

A. The site of infection

B. The Blood Stream

C. Towards antibodies

D. To the Lymph Nodes