Medical Quiz

CP A&P: Cardiovascular Quiz


Cardiovascular functions are regulated by

A. neural factors

B. venous return

C. endocrine factors

D. all of the above

A medical procedure where a vein is removed from another part of the body (typically the leg) and implanted into the heart to allow blood to flow around the blockage.

A. coronary bypass surgery

B. angioplasty

C. electrocardiogram

D. sphygmomanometer

The “double pump” function of the heart includes the right side, which serves as the ________ circuit pump, while the left side serves as the ________ pump.

A. Systemic; pulmonary

B. Pulmonary; systemic

The muscular portion of the heart wall is called the

A. myocardium

B. epicardium

C. endocardium

A diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity of the heart.

A. coronary bypass surgery

B. angioplasty

C. electrocardiogram

D. sphygmomanometer

Blood returning to the heart from the body first enters the

A. right atrium

B. right ventricle

C. left atrium

D. left ventricle

Heart problems such as atrial or ventricular septal defects are serious because the result is insufficient oxygenation of blood.



The blood vessels which have valves are

A. arteries

B. veins

C. capillaries

The pacemaker cells of the heart are located in the

A. Bundle of His

B. SA node

C. AV node

This EKG appears to be

A. Normal

B. Abnormal

Blood returning from the lungs enters the

A. right atrium

B. right ventricle

C. left atrium

D. left ventricle

Varicose veins are caused by

A. a loss of elasticity in blood vessels

B. incompetent venous valves

C. the accumulation of fatty substances within blood vessels

Blood enters the heart from the body via the

A. aorta

B. vena cava

One of the major characteristics of arteries supplying peripheral tissues is that they are

A. elastic

B. muscular

C. rigid

D. all of the above

Blood pressure is determined by measuring the

A. rate of pulse

B. pressure of the left ventricle

C. force exerted by blood in a vessel against air in a closed cuff

The vessels that carry blood to the heart are the

A. arteries

B. veins

C. capillaries

Why is blood pumped to the lungs?

A. To obtain oxygen

B. To obtain carbon dioxide

C. To obtain nutrients

The “lubdub” sounds of the heart have practical clinical value because they provide information concerning the

A. strength of ventricular contraction

B. strength of the pulse

C. efficiency of the heart valves

The medical tool used to measure blood pressure by cutting off the blood supply to the brachial artery and then measuring the systolic and diastolic blood pressure as blood returns to the artery.

A. coronary bypass surgery

B. angioplasty

C. electrocardiogram

D. sphygmomanometer

A blockage in a coronary artery can lead to

A. myocardial infarction

B. stroke

C. atherosclerosis

The tricuspid valve is located between the

A. right and left atria

B. right atrium and right ventricle

C. left ventricle and aorta

D. left ventricle and pulmonary artery

Normal average blood pressure in an adult is

A. 120/80

B. 90/55

C. 150/90

Which of the following is NOT a location where you could measure your pulse?

A. radial artery on the wrist

B. femoral artery on your thigh

C. aortic arch by your heart

D. in the vestibular artery of the ear

Systole and diastole refer to

A. contraction and relaxation of the heart, respectively

B. relaxation and contraction of the heart, respectively

A blockage in an artery supplying blood to the brain

A. myocardial infarction

B. stroke

C. atherosclerosis


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