Medical Quiz

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Quiz

Which component of a prosthesis includes joints like ankle, knee, wrist, and elbow?

A. Interface

B. Socket

C. Suspension system

D. Appendage

Select your answer:


Muscle Histology Muscle Anatomy Vascular Surgery Sources Of Food Movement and Locomotion Cellular Respiration Limitation of Senses Human Health Urinary System The Nervous System and The Senses Diseases of Digestive System Facial & Dental Injuries Immune Response Fainting and Nosebleed Infectious Disease and Pathogens

Other quiz:

Type 1 Diabetes › View

The nurse enters a diabetic patients room at 11:30 and notices that the patient is diaphroetic,tachycardic,anxious and doesn’t remember where she is this patient is most likely showing signs of what?

A. Hyperglycemic

B. Hypoglycemic

C. Diabetes keto acidosis

D. Hyper coma

Biochemistry › View

Oxidation is:

A. Gain of electrons

B. Gain of hydrogen

C. Loss of oxygen

D. Loss of electron