Medical Quiz

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Quiz

Which component of a prosthesis includes joints like ankle, knee, wrist, and elbow?

A. Interface

B. Socket

C. Suspension system

D. Appendage

Select your answer:


Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Vitamin Anatomy Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Diseases Key Terms Health - Nutrition BTEC Biological Approach Revise Hematology / Oncology Ankle Injuries Human Anatomy and Physiology Diseases of The Digestive System Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Defence against Infectious Diseases Fats And Oil

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Immunology › View

It is an agglutination reaction that makes use of a bacteria as inert particles to attach to antibodies.

A. Indirect Agglutination

B. Agglutination Inhibition

C. Coagglutination

D. Reverse Passive Agglutination

Neurological Concepts › View

define clasp knife phenomenon

A. increase muscle tone with inability to voluntarily control the muscles actively or passively on one side of the joint

B. abnormal decrease in muscle tone caused by damage to motor neurons in ventral horn and spinal nerves in the periphery nerves

C. increased muscle tone results in jerky, alternating resistance to passive movements as muscle contracts or relaxes

D. severe spasticity at joint