Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

What is the function of the superior colliculus in the midbrain?

A. Visual processing

B. Hearing processing

C. Movement coordination

D. Emotional processing

Select your answer:


Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Anxiety Disorders Healthy Foundations RDA Dental Caries History of Psychology Parts of the Skin The Teeth Transplantation Immunology Anatomy and Physiology- Cardiovascular Sysytem Erythrocyte Disorders Human Muscle Inflammation and Healing Bacteria Ecology Circulation of Blood

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What are the blood types of the possible children that a woman (type O) and man (type AB) can have?

A. O and AB

B. O and A

C. O and B

D. A and B

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A. gum

B. stomach

C. quad

D. old age