Medical Quiz

Diseases Quiz

This mineral makes hemoglobin and myglobin which you must have for blood production.  If you don’t have enough you may become anemic

A. iron

B. calcium

C. zinc

D. a

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Blood Formation and Clotting Lymphatic System DNA & Types of Reproduction Blood Typing Nail Biochemistry Lab Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology ESR (RBC sed rate) Forensics: Blood Infectious Diseases The Nervous System and The Senses Cells, Tissues and Organs Human Digestive System Biology for Engineers

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what disease can a ketogenic diet be helpful for?

A. status epilepticus

B. brain tumors

C. multiple sclerosis

D. lou gehrigs disease

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A common method for cultivating viruses in the lab is to use in vitro systems called _____ cultures.

A. egg

B. cell

C. bacteriophage

D. embryo