Medical Quiz

Ortho Infectious Disease Quiz

What is the best lab value to judge treatment response in septic arthritis?

A. CRP (C-reactive protein)

B. WBC (White Blood Cell) count

C. ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)

D. Glucose level

Select your answer:


Contemporary Nutrition Issues DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Molecular Basis of Inheritance Blood and Hematology Stroke Discovery of DNA Health Systems Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Organ Systems Sense of Sight Nutrition in Animals Physiothearpy in Neurology EM Spectrum Name that Pathogen

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The time between contact and onset of illness is known as the ___________.

A. duration of illness

B. pathogen

C. incubation period

D. transmission

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Cytologists study

A. animals

B. plants

C. viruses

D. cells