Medical Quiz

History of Healthcare Quiz

He invented the stethoscope.

A. John Edwards

B. Rene Laennec

C. Anton van Leeuwenhoek

D. Claudius Galen

Select your answer:


Sensory Disorder Heart Structure and Double Circulation Warm up Health Systems My Teeth Thyroid Beneath the Skin Differentiation and Division of Human Cells Physical Activity Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Enzymes and Digestion Parathyroid Gland Meiosis and intro to Genetics Life Processes Excretion Human Body and Pathogens

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Virus or Bacteria?
A.     bacteria
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Which is a concern of scientists when genetically modifying plants?

A. Plants will pass on diseases to animals.

B. There will be a decrease in biodiversity.

C. Plants will have a longer growing season.

D. There will be a decrease in revenue for pesticide manufacturers.