Medical Quiz

Renal & Neural Quiz

Epilepsy affects?

A. Only people with close relative who has epilepsy

B. Only children and adults people

C. Anyone at any age

D. Anyone who bangs his/her head

Select your answer:


Respiratory System Bacteria and Viruses Pathophysiology - Adaptive Immunity Infection Cardiovascular and Respiratory Inherited & Acquired Traits Teeths Characteristics of Life Child Growth and Development Asexual Reproduction Blood Groups Bacteria & Disease Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Vet Terminology

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How many pair of hydrogen atoms can a monounsaturated fat molecule combine?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Biotechnology › View

In gel electrophoresis, the largest DNA fragment will appear

A. closest to the starting wells

B. farthest from the starting wells

C. three quarters away from the starting wells

D. it depends on how many fragments there are