Medical Quiz

Latin & Greek in Medicine Quiz

The perimeter of a person’s yard is _____.

A. the distance around the outside edge

B. the amount of space within their yard

C. the length of the yard from front to back

D. the slope of their yard

Select your answer:


Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Vocabulary for Organisms in Ecosystems Nail Physio Intro Practice Your Body Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Renal Replacement Therapies Health and Diseases Humanistic and Biological Psychology Cardiovascular Med Terms Principles of Microbiology The Blood Principle of Health Science Dental Specialties Safety and First Aid

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Breathing System › View

What is the function of the alveoli?

A. To carry air to and from the lungs

B. To warm and moisten the air

C. To trap dirt particles and bacteria

D. To exchange gases with the blood

Nutrition › View

Which of the following foods contain little or no carbohydrates?

A. bread

B. cucumber

C. pasta

D. potatoes