Medical Quiz

Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Quiz

If an individual is given a vaccine for a disease then that individual now has_______________immunity

A. innate

B. natural

C. acquired


Select your answer:


Nervous System Non-infectious Disease Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Kidney - Loop of Henl� Digestion and Microbes Clinical Pathology Mutations Central and Peripheral Nervous System Molecular Genetics Bacteria Structure Nervous / Sensory System First Aid Check up Pediatrics Visual Impairment Skin

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology › View

What type of fracture is this?

A. Comminuted

B. Open

C. Closed

D. Spiral

Body System Interactions › View

Which two body systems work together to break down food and get rid of wastes?

A. digestive and excretory

B. digestive and circulatory

C. excretory and respiratory

D. nervous and digestive