Medical Quiz

Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Quiz

Is found in the cell membrane as a bilayer.

A. lipids

B. protein

C. nucleic acid

D. carbohydrate

Select your answer:


Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Paeds Edema Macromolecules & Nutrients Anatomy and Physiology- Cardiovascular Sysytem Limitation of Senses Cell Structure and Function Human Anatomy Study Guide Mycology Living Organisms History of Psychology Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Oronasal Suctioning Renal Replacement Therapies Cell Theory and Cell Organelles

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Which receptors detect an increase in blood pressure?

A. Proprioceptors

B. baroreceptors

C. chemoreceptors

D. medulla oblongata

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How do infectious diseases impact the body?

A. Infectious diseases impact the body by reducing the risk of other illnesses.

B. Infectious diseases impact the body by invading and multiplying within the body’s cells, causing damage to tissues and organs, triggering immune responses, and potentially leading to symptoms such as fever, fatigue, and inflammation.

C. Infectious diseases impact the body by promoting longevity and vitality.

D. Infectious diseases impact the body by enhancing overall health and well-being.